Smart Data Retrieval for Amazon Glacier. Data retrieval calculator for Amazon Glacier.
Free Windows Client for Amazon Glacier

Smart Data Retrieval with FastGlacier

New version of FastGlacier allows you to control your retrieval costs by selecting appropriate retrieval method.

How does it work

When you click the Download button, the following dialog appears:

Data Retrieval Confirmation

Data Retrieval Confirmation dialog allows you to choose retrieval method

Approximate retrieval price is calculated automatically based on the selected retrieval method and amount of data.

You can specify how fast the data should be retrieved based on your needs and budget and click Confirm data retrieval to start retrieval process.

Please note that displayed prices are approximate and calculated taking into account the fact that there are no other retrievals at the same time.

FastGlacier 4.1.5 Freeware
Powered by Amazon Web Services
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"Your client software has been wonderful to use and has made working with the Glacier service a pleasant experience. What I like most about FastGlacier is that it's extremely easy to use, even for non-technical/IT people." - Rob Costello, Pro User

"Your product recently saved me after I deleted everything I had locally. But with FG, I restored all our video and photos from AWS. Phew! Divorce averted!!" - Jamie C., USA

"Spending ~$40 on @FastGlacier was one of my best software purchases." - J Biggert (Twitter)

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