FastGlacier - Getting Started Guide. How to start using Amazon Glacier.
Free Windows Client for Amazon Glacier

FastGlacier - First Run

In this tutorial we assume that you have signed up for Amazon Glacier Service and downloaded and installed FastGlacier.

When you start FastGlacier for the first time, you will be asked to add new Amazon Glacier account.

Add New Account Dialog

You will be asked to add a new Amazon Glacier Account when you start FastGlacier for the first time.

Please fill out the following fields:

Click Add new account. Now you are ready to start working with FastGlacier.

What's Next

All files on Amazon Glacier are stored in top-level containers called a 'vaults'. You need to create at least one vault before uploading your files to Amazon Glacier.

Click here to learn how to create an Amazon Glacier Vault.

Once you have created a new vault, you can start uploading your files to Amazon Glacier.

FastGlacier Interface Overview

The Vaults section is located on the left hand side of the main window.

Vaults section

The Vaults section displays a list of vaults in selected region.

The Vaults section displays a list of vaults in selected region. You can create up to 1000 vaults per region.

Using the New, Delete and Refresh buttons you can create and delete vaults, and refresh vaults list.

The Files section is located on the right hand side of the main window.

Files section

The Files section displays a list of files in selected vault.

The Files section displays a list of files and folders in selected vault.

Click the Upload button to upload your files and folders to Amazon Glacier

Click the Download button to download selected files and folders to your local disk.

Click the Delete button to delete selected files and folders.

The bottom half of the window contains three tabs: Tasks, Properties and Event log

The Tasks tab displays the running, queued, stopped and failed tasks.

Tasks tab

The Tasks tab displays a list of running, queued, stopped and failed tasks.

You can switch between categories using corresponding buttons located on the toolbar: Running, Queued, Stopped, Failed, All,

The context menu allows you to start, stop, cancel and retry the tasks.

Tasks context menu

Tasks context menu allows you to start, stop, cancel and retry the tasks.

The Properties tab displays the properties of selected vault or file.

Properties tab

The Properties tab displays the properties of selected vault or file.

The Event log tab displays last 1000 log messages.

Event log tab

The Event log tab displays last 1000 log messages.

You can configure logging settings in Tools -> Options -> Logging.

FastGlacier 4.1.5 Freeware
Powered by Amazon Web Services
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"Your client software has been wonderful to use and has made working with the Glacier service a pleasant experience. What I like most about FastGlacier is that it's extremely easy to use, even for non-technical/IT people." - Rob Costello, Pro User

"Your product recently saved me after I deleted everything I had locally. But with FG, I restored all our video and photos from AWS. Phew! Divorce averted!!" - Jamie C., USA

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